Why CPAs Need Tax Preparation Services During Tax Season? Default Image

Why CPAs Need Tax Preparation Services During Tax Season?

Last updated: 30 Jan, 2024 By | 7 Minutes Read

The tax season is about to kick off, and CPA firms will soon start running in all directions. The ultimate goal of all the hassle is to manage existing clients, find new ones, and ensure 100% client satisfaction. Some CPA firms would expand their human resources to manage workload and some may opt for tax preparation outsourcing services. These two methods will help them to embrace more efficiency, accuracy, and peace of mind.

However, the chance of failure is high for the first set of CPAs, the latter will make the most of the tax season and be a winner.

The Need for Tax Preparation Outsourcing

Tax preparation services outsourcing comes as a fresh gush of wind amid the time-sapping tax season. With increasing workload, CPA firms need a reliable source to handle their clients without fearing errors or wrongful tax preparation. Professional tax preparers are experienced, and highly qualified accountants. They are responsible for managing accounts, preparing tax returns, and calculating the payable taxes for your clients.

Their approach to tax preparation software, valuable experience, and expertise in meeting deadlines make sense to outsource tax preparation services. Additionally, outsourcing tax preparation services save you money by reducing labor costs, employee-benefit obligations, and hiring expenses.

Finally, it is common for CPA firm employees to feel snowed under in work with tax season arrival. The extensive work hours and back-to-back client requirements can hamper work quality and put your reputation at stake.

Hence, outsourcing tax preparation services is the best decision a CPA firm should make, especially during tax season.

What are the Benefits of CPA Tax Preparation Services?

Internal Resource Maximization

Hiring temp staff/ seasonal employees is a common practice for small and medium-sized CPA firms. While it does help manage the workload during the tax season, it also affects the budget. Regardless of the size of your CPA firm, hiring seasonal employees means adding salary, benefits, insurance, etc. Also, once the season is over, all the extra hands end up being a bad investment.

When you outsource tax preparation services, they are an extension of your internal resources. Because outsourcing is cheaper than the cost of hiring and training new staff. Moreover, it is available with flexible hiring models, allowing you to have a big team without compromising your budget.

Optimization of Time

Time is of great essence during the tax season, and the rush to meet deadlines and cover as many clients as possible often leads to inaccurate or wrong tax filing. The taxation process (accounting, bookkeeping, and tax preparation) demands a high level of precision, and any mistake can lead to severe consequences. Wrongful delegation or excess workload can lead to compromised output and quality of work.

CPA Tax preparation services are an excellent solution for time management and eliminate the chances of a less qualified person working on a demanding job or time crunch leading to lost clients.

Enhanced Data Security

The internet is a deceitful place, and even the best software and accounting tools may have a loophole inviting cyber criminals and hackers to invade your data privacy norms. Tax preparation services providers are vigilant to cybersecurity risks and have worked their way out to prevent their client’s valuable data. Their robust technological systems have authorized access, encryption, and high firewall systems to keep cybercriminals at bay.

CPA firms deal with highly confidential and valuable client information. This information can be secured and wisely used by CPA tax preparation services to ensure accurate tax preparation without any security lapse. With an in-depth understanding of the IRS’s rules for security, tax preparation services companies have developed a robust framework to operate in a safe and secure environment.

Access to the Latest Technology

The technological space is rapidly changing, and CPA firms are struggling to maintain the pace. With new software launching in the market automating the tax preparation industry, the need to invest in the latest tech and take advantage of seamless working is at its highest. But it is an expensive project for small, mid-sized, or even start-up CPA firms. The technology disruption presents several major challenges, including:

  • High initial investment
  • Monthly maintenance and upgrade charges
  • Training and integration costs

These challenges can be easily overcome by choosing to outsource tax preparation services, as the leading outsourcing companies have already acquired the latest tech and are offering their services based on the automation feature.

    Access to Qualified, Licensed, and Experienced Professionals

    Working with underqualified personnel exposes a CPA firm to errors in work which can lead to dire consequences, including an Internal Revenue Service investigation (IRS). The client remains unaware of their tax requirements and trusts their CPAs blindly to work efficiently and accurately for them.

    With tax rules changing every year and a high workload making it tough to manage every account efficiently, the chances of error are natural. One big mistake and you are out of the game for several years as you are tagged as an unprofessional CPA firm with a record of wrongful tax preparation.

    With tax preparation services, eliminating the chances of error and efficiently managing the high workload during tax season is achievable. The accounting outsourcing companies provide you access to a talent pool of qualified, licensed, and highly experienced accountants. As a result, you can take advantage of specialist expertise and expand your ability to work on any type and scale of business.

    Amplified Focus on Core Functionalities

    CPA firms operate with smaller teams, and often every team member is loaded with a multi-task profile irrespective of their skill set or specialization. While it is a common practice for the rest of the year, operating on the same model during the tax season brings disadvantages.

    With time-sapping tax season, managing too much work in too less time is challenging and often takes your focus away from the core functions. Increasing the number of employees brings its own set of challenges. To equate the situation, it is best to outsource tax preparation services, especially during the tax season, and let the professionals share your responsibility and free up your mind to focus on your core functions.

    Improved Quality of Work

    There is no scope for error in taxation. Your error can jeopardize your client’s credibility, exposing them to taxation fines and scrutiny by the IRS. To ensure error-free tax filing, prevent putting clients at risk, and tackle the hassle of filing revised returns, CPA firms must outsource tax preparation services, especially during high workload season. Tax outsourcing services ensure error-free taxation practices and help you maintain a spotless record.

    How to Find the Right Tax Preparation Outsourcing Partner?

    The benefits of outsourcing are clear, but they do not just come with every other tax preparation service. Deciding which accounting partner is right for your firm is a key factor and must be assessed diligently.

    As you assess the available tax preparation services options, you must focus on a few factors, including:

    • Comprehensive data security
    • Proven track record
    • Outstanding talent pool
    • Assure quality delivery
    • Offers the best-in-class technology and infrastructure
    • Flexible engagement models
    • Exceptional client support

    A thorough assessment of the tax preparation services company is important to ensure you choose the best accounting firm that helps you expand your capabilities and take up more work during the demanding tax season while maintaining accuracy and quality of work.

    At Cogneesol, we are industry leaders with expertise in tax preparation services for CPAs and accounting firms. Our team of qualified, licensed, and experienced professionals can help you tap into opportunities and manage the rise in demand for tax services in the upcoming tax season.

    Let’s connect and discuss your needs to customize a tax preparation services plan for hassle-free management of taxation requirements in the coming tax season! Contact us at +1 833-313-3143 or send an email to [email protected].