Public Relations Strategies For Realtors Which Help Them To Boost Their Business Default Image

Public Relations Strategies For Realtors Which Help Them To Boost Their Business

Last updated: 01 Nov, 2023 By | 8 Minutes Read

Public relations campaigns are a broad mixture of advertising & marketing, event planning, media relations, social media reputation, etc. mainly focused on positioning someone or an organization to be a reliable person or business, respectively, especially crucial in industries like real estate public relations.

What is PR exactly?

Not to mention, PR stands for public relations; it is a broad concept concerning relationships between a business/person and the general public. Implementing powerful real estate public relation strategies enable you to make and maintain healthy ‘business-public’ relations.

For example, having a good relationship with a media firm can help your business as they can broadcast information about your company. When the public sees your company getting featured, they begin to keep your brand name in mind, and for them, you will eventually become a trusted source of real estate solutions.

It’s vital to have multiple public relations strategies in place. Let’s discuss the ones you can start practicing to build, improve, and maintain PR.

Press Release

Press releases are used to tell the public about something your company has done recently, something remarkable, or achieved something. A press release is no less than news about your company. Press releases are used;

  • To announce the launch of a new service or product
  • To improve brand image
  • To expand public knowledge about you
  • To get viral
  • To boost SEO efforts

Use press releases to provide all the necessary information about your real estate company, telling the public about your objectives or how you have managed to achieve them so far. Participate in activities to be visible for the public and use them in your press releases.

You would need to publish your real estate press release from time to time to be consistently appearing in front of the public.

Realtors/Real Estate Public Relations Strategies To Boost Business

Encourage Referrals: It starts with customers

PR starts with customer relations; if your clients/customers are satisfied with your services, you are most like to get referrals from them. Many real estate agents admit they get several leads through previous customers. Not only that, but consumers have also shared that they value referrals and word of mouth.

Often, new customers are already half convinced as they are contacting you through a trusted friend, relative, or colleague. You can encourage existing customers by offering some rewards for referrals.

Also Read: Innovative Ways You Can Use Virtual Reality in the Real Estate Business

Identify Targets

The first essential tool to achieve great PR is identifying who you want to reach. IoT (Internet of Things), used by many business firms, helps to understand customer lifestyles. Such widely-used systems and tools maintain records of interactions with customers, further assisting companies to comprehend customer needs and complaints.

The abundance of data extracted from IoT devices can be analyzed to define target audiences, business objectives, sales targets, etc. For instance, a realtor might want to target house buyers and commercial builders in two different ways. Data is widely available on the internet; even proper research can help find your target markets.

Brand Awareness

The day you become a brand, you will be a part of consumers’ talk. For example, you might be running an independent small-time real estate business getting satisfactory profit each month; but if people don’t know you, leads will come slow. By implementing brand awareness strategies, it takes your company name (as a brand) to millions of consumers out there.

Now you might have a question – “how to go about that?”

The answer is – have strategies that include planning to thrive as a brand and use brand recognition to market the firm further for years.

Content Marketing

Many media publishers accept a contribution from industry experts to prepare articles for magazines and several online platforms. Contributing to such media houses with your content about real estate can help you generate your brand awareness and reach potential customers.

The publisher also allows some space for your bio, photograph, and a link to your website or social networking profile (for example, LinkedIn); usually, at the end of the article you will submit. This helps let people know that you have industry expertise, and your business is authentic. Since you will be providing content on the real estate industry, it will play a significant role in building real estate PR.

For successful content marketing, you need to ensure you are updated about the trends emerging in the industry. This way, you will have relevant information on time that you can include in your articles. A great way to get ideas for your content is to read other trending articles and focus on information that will be beneficial for potential buyers and rental property seekers.

Consider content marketing as one of your real estate public relations strategies because it can help you to:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website/profile
  • Boost search engine rankings (SEO)
  • Increment in lead generation through social media


Establish a website blog, and continuously post blogs and articles on it. This is not less than an opportunity to highlight your industry expertise, knowledge, and business success. All you need to do is to create an easy-to-manage publishing schedule for blogging and ensure sticking to it. You may post once a month, bi-weekly, once or twice a week, etc., but you need to maintain that consistency. The blog may lose its impact on the audience if you don’t update it regularly.

Note that blogging is not something you can take on easy; if you build a blog, you can’t expect readers to come automatically. You will need to use other tools and social media platforms to promote your blog and website. For example, sharing a couple of key points from your blog posts and attracting readers that will head toward your website blog.

Community Involvement

Your good deeds will be useful in improving your brand image. Community involvement is a must-to-add method for your real estate public relations strategies. For example, helping out your local nursing homes with whatever you can, celebrating children’s day with poor or abandoned children, or raising funds for charity. All such deeds build goodwill and make you visible for society.

However, goodwill has no objective of getting high ROI as community involvement is about reaching a large number of people without paying a large amount, mainly to build and improve public relations.

If you help a charity organization, they might thank you through posts on social media platforms such as Twitter, on their website with your company’s logo, and through other media such as newsletters, press releases, and positioning your brand as a reliable and authentic business.

Influencer Outreach

This is one of the newest marketing strategies that can also work as a PR strategy for you. According to this, you only need to contact an influencer; for example, someone with a large number of followers can influence them through social media or blogs. If such a personality talks about your brand in one of his videos or blogs, your brand name reaches thousands or millions of people, depending upon the influencers’ followers.

Generally, these deals are done in exchange for services, for instance, influencers are promoting your brand; now, once you get leads through them (using reference code), you would need to give them some rewards. This is also one of the most affordable methods to reach a large number of people.


    There are many other methods celebrated personalities and businesses utilize to enhance their relations with the public. For instance, you can engage in community festivals or movements. Plant trees on world environment day, and your local media might give you coverage.

    The more you come out in the community, the more it boosts your PR. Another thing is to connect with people that are in the industry for years and make more connections through them.

    Use the above-described real estate public relations strategies to increase the public’s trust in your firm to gain authority in the industry. It takes a reasonable amount of time to prepare and plan the implementation of PR strategies, which might also distract you from some vital real estate business functions, such as financial records management. But you need not worry as Cogneesol is there to help you with accounting jobs. Outsource real estate accounting to us and get more time to focus on business-driving functions such as marketing, sales, and PR.