Outsource Function -
Medical Record Review

The Client:

A US-based licensed physician and orthopedic surgeon certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery.

Scope of Work

Medical record review, document summarization, preparing Medical Cost Projection, Life Care Plan, and Independent Medical Evaluation for medical claims.

Process Bottlenecks

Cogneesol’s Optimization Solution

  • We review and summarize the medical records, and prepare future cost tables for our client
  • We prepare Medical Cost Projection, Life Care Plan, and Independent Medical Evaluation reports for medical claims
  • We summarize each document as per the instructions from our client, with the heading of Document, title, Document type, names, dates, subjective summary, objective summary, and cost tables
  • We analyze the future cost from the site provided by the client for the same, and it makes it easy for us to calculate the costs with accuracy. (C4U Decision Point UCR Fee Viewer)

We receive the pdf documents in bulk from our client, and we summarize the Medical records for him in brief. We find the specific document for our client and summarize the document in our own words after a deep study of the document. This makes it for our client easy to develop his case. The reports help our client to analyze the future medical cost for his client and propose the reports to the courts.

As a busy surgeon, I used to spend extra hours reviewing medical documents and records, and then summarizing them took a toll on me. Cogneesol, with their support, has helped me save not just my time but also expenses involved in MCPs, LCPs, and IMEs.

Impact Delivered

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It is always a pleasure to learn that the work we do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experiences.

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