Cogneesol re-invents Certificate of Insurance issuance process with Automation and Al

The Client:

One of the largest and fastest-growing commercial insurance agencies in the USA.

Scope of Work

Standardized policy management process and incorporated automation.

Process Bottlenecks

One of the most critical concerns of the client, a North American Insurance Agency, was to ensure that the Certificate of Insurance was available to the policyholder before the commencement of shipment. It is because all commercial shippers are mandated by regulatory authorities to have the COI for every unique consignment.

Easy COI issuance faced hurdles owing to non-standardized processes - inputs from consignors were different, leading to COl issuance taking around 30 mins. This had to be reduced. Multiple stakeholders further complicated the process.

Cogneesol’s Optimization Solution

Our first target was to standardize inputs collation -- we worked with the client team to standardize the inputs and then created a standard form to easily process the data. This met with stiff resistance from the client's end customer; adaptability was less than 10% for the new form we created.

We now explored the possibility of automation and worked with our client to create a two-phase automation journey using latest RPA and Al tools:

    PHASE 1
  • AUTOMATION: In the first phase, data was manually entered into a common database, from where it was processed to the client system using an RPA tool. We also created a workflow tool to enter data and then linked it with the database and eventually, with the client system.
  • PHASE 2
  • INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION: Upon the successful implementation of phase I, we created an Al tool to extract relevant data from various input sources, and then linked it with the database and the client system.

Cogneesol’s team has given us more Technology and Automation power to grow! We rely on our efficient processes to draw our future strategies and grow our footprint.

Impact Delivered

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