
Standardized summaries and reports increase settlement value by 32%, reduce costs by 50%, obtain mediation benefits by 32%

The Client:

A US-based personal injury law firm that Cogneesol has been servicing since 2016.

Scope of Work

In the expansion of an in-house administrative team, the firm required support on specific requirements based on relevant laws and legal administrative services, including:

  • Drafting: Discovery questions and interrogatories, complaints
  • Summarization: Medical records, billings, depositions, and expert witnesses
  • Settlement letters
  • Google Calendar – Scheduling
  • E-Filing
The Client:


  • High cost of operations
  • High failure rate in the mediation stage
  • Increasing backlogs due to new cases
  • Low rate of settlement due to lack of documentation
  • Missed limitation period to file complaints, responsive pleadings, and discovery documents
  • Sizeable attorney time spent on clerical requirements

Cogneesol’s Optimization Solution

We streamlined the client’s processes by:

  • Creating a database for timely notification of limitation period, case details including names of the party and witnesses, injury date, the due date for responsive pleadings, and of the discovery process
  • Creating templates for every requirement such as complaints, notices, discovery documents and applications, summary reports

The team’s research and drafting work is so thorough that our attorneys get a ready base to draw up their case arguments. This saves us much time and resources. Plus, it allows us to focus purely on the case. Cogneesol’s work is truly valuable.

Impact Delivered

With the standardization of report and summary templates, we have been able to give the client significant bandwidth in not only concentrating on the win themes for their cases but have also enabled them to take up more cases. Further:

  • Our precise evidence gathering helped the client acquire a high settlement value of 26%
  • Our specialized drafting of mediation brief and compiling of evidence helped in mediation success accruing a benefit of 32%
  • Helped draft settlement demand letters at the pre-litigation stage and thus helped in decreasing the caseload and litigation cost
  • Enabled timely notification of the statute of limitation. This is an important part when filing the complaints and discovery documents
  • Reduced administrative costs by 50%

Client Testimonials

It is always a pleasure to learn that the work we do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experiences.

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