How Outsourcing can Help to Maintain Regular Productivity for your Insurance Company? Default Image

How Outsourcing can Help to Maintain Regular Productivity for your Insurance Company?

Last updated: 18 Aug, 2023 By | 3 Minutes Read

How does outsourcing help the insurance company maintain productivity levels and retain its competitive edge? In today’s business scenario, the buzzword is optimizing productivity, and the business sector is channelizing all energies toward this goal.

The focus is on eliminating any activity that does not form the core of the related industry. So far as the insurance industry is concerned, the core business is devising new schemes, chalking out competitive products and planning on capturing increasing market share.

Anything else, namely support services is considered an impediment on the path of its smooth functioning and maximizing profitability. Thus, the common refrain for insurance companies is outsourcing all non-core activities in a bid to increase productivity, and this is also the primary reason why the growth curve of insurance outsourcing services is steeply climbing north.

Before going into the details of how outsourcing can help to maintain regular productivity for an insurance company, it will be in order to quickly know what productivity actually is and why it is one of the more important factors to measure the worth of a company. The main purpose of a business is to convert the different inputs into outputs. Productivity is a measure of how efficiently the inputs are transformed into outputs.

In short, Productivity = Output/Input. Typically – this list is not exhaustive – inputs include such components as labor and financial investments while outputs are revenues and business inventories. Hence for sectors with high productivity levels, the ROI will be high.

How does outsourcing help the insurance sector maintain productivity levels and retain the competitive edge?

The simplest explanation is that the cost of inputs is reduced in the productivity ratio by outsourcing while ensuring that the outputs increase and in the worst case scenario remain constant at least.

Reduced cost of manpower

The modern perspective suggests that allocating highly paid manpower to non-core activities wastes precious resources, whereas outsourcing services offer cost-effective alternatives. This is especially true for the insurance sector that has a host of non-core activities – claims, commission, data processing, and policy management.

Specialist insurance outsourcing services employ experts in various fields, ensuring the provision of services equivalent to in-house personnel. Their expertise matches the level of service an in-house team would deliver. Thus lowered cost of input helps stabilize productivity levels even if there is a seasonal hike in the insurance business.

Reduced cost of infrastructure development

The growth rate of insurance companies today is phenomenal given the increased threat perception the world over. The exponential growth in business requires substantial investments in infrastructure development, particularly in data processing. This includes the necessity to upgrade existing hardware to effectively handle the increasing volumes of business.

This would have dragged productivity levels down for the insurance industry if it were not for insurance outsourcing services that spend heavily to create new systems to take up the increase in the insurance business.

Therefore, the insurance sector can best maintain productivity levels by outsourcing non-core activities to insurance back-office service providers, allowing it to focus solely on its core business of selling insurance. Are you looking for companies to outsource?

Get in Touch

Contact Cogneesol – an insurance BPO company, helping insurance companies and insurers to reduce workload and enhance operational efficiency. To know more about our services, call us at +1 646-688-2821 or email at [email protected].